Tag Archives: chilblains

Eggplant for chilblains?

Hot on the previous topic of beetroot juice for chilblains, we have now got eggplants as an option! Or have we?

Some new research recently crossed my screen on “Antichilblain Components in Eggplant” – something like that is going to get my attention. Turns out that eggplant applied externally to relieve the symptoms of chilblains has been used in East Asia for quite some time.

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urine treatment chilblains

Should you pee on your chilblains to treat them?

It easy to come across recommendations that urine therapy should be used to treat chilblains with lots of references to “my mum” or “my grandma” used to use it and swears by it fixing their chilblains (Google it). There is not a shred of evidence that it helps except for the unreliable anecdotes and testimonials. You will occasionally have a patient ask about it, because they heard about it from their grandma or they Googled it.

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